Magical Creatures
Here are some links to the Harry Potter Lexicon's Bestiary
pages. Hopefully I will be able to find more on these mystical creatures so I may add on. As always, if you have anything
new for me to add or just want to say 'Hi', email me (Esgal)
- A-B
- C-G
- H-M
- N-S
- Nagini
- niffler
- nogtail
- Norbert
- nundu
- occamy
- owl
- phoenix
- pixie
- plimpy
- pogrebin
- porlock
- puffskein
- quintaped
- rabbit
- ramora
- rat
- raven
- Red Cap
- re'em
- runespoor
- salamander
- Scabbers
- sea serpent
- shrake
- snails
- snakes
- snidget
- sphinx
- spiders
- squid, giant
- streeler
- T-Z