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Fanfiction Websites

Here are some links to sites where you can post your works or read another fan fic author's work. If anyone has any sites to add to my list email me (Esgal): - A fanfiction site only for readers over 18.
Checkmated - A fanfiction site with only Ron/Hermione pairings  (I love this site, I currently have three stories posted there) This site is a collection of good and bad fanfictions on almost everything from books to anime and TV shows.

Fanfiction Axis - This site has fanfictions of the untold variety. They showcase fanfictions you could hardly find elsewhere.

Fiction Alley I love this website. It's kind of hard to find the fanfictions it harbors though, of course that could be only me.

Forever Fandom I have four stories up here, three of the same that you can fine at and one you can not. This is a great site.

HarryPotterFanFiction (I dont know if you can get this site to work. I signed up and cannot sign in because of my cookies. If it works for you though, congrats.) An all Harry Potter fanfics site.

Phoenix Phiction - This site has a great look but not many fanfictions to choose from. Maybe you could help them out.

Strength Of Three - This actually a story with its own website but I just had to add it here. You have to check this one out. There's just amazing detail, it's a really cool website. I haven't read the story yet but I will soon.

The Portkey - A fanfiction/art site dedicated to James/Lily,  Draco/Ginny, Ron/Luna, and  Harry/Hermione stories
The Restricted Section - Harry Potter fanfiction  - no one under 18.
The Silver Snitch - A site dedicated to Slash (homosexual) pairings. Great site if you like slash. Don't investigate it if it will offend you.

Wizard City

Whispers - a fanfiction site dedicated to Hermione/Severus stories